Going Tick Tick Tick Tick

I wanted to let you all know the beauty of Tamiflu.

Thursday night I started to have a bit of a cough, but I felt fine. Friday I had the day off work, and I work up at 10 and was back in bed by noon, where I slept for another six hours. My cough had increased and I had a fever. Then Saturday hit, and I literally couldn't stand on my own. My temperature hit 1o3, and I could barely roll over in bed. My mom called my doctor and he called in a prescription for Tamiflu and Zithromax. I started taking it last night, and this morning, I feel so much better. My fever's down, I can stand up and move around, and my cough is almost gone. I love you, Tamiflu.

Anyways... Am I the only one who couldn't care less about the Superbowl this year? I don't know what's up, but I just really really don't care. I have nothing personal against the Patriots, but I'm tired of seeing them in the Superbowl. It's really anti-climactic. And I really don't care about the Giants, either. I don't even want pizza and wings and dips and beer. That could be the flu talking, because pizza, wings, and beer are my three favorite foods.

If I wasn't worried about spreading the flu around, I'd go see a movie tonight. So I guess I'll send my boyfriend up to Blockbuster, since he's not interested in watching Gilmore Girls on DVD with me.

Sorry this was so rambling, but I'm fairly heavily medicated right now.


Poppy said...

Wow, SO GLAD you're feeling better, even if it's medically induced.

The Ferryman said...

Pretty thoughtful of you not to go to movie because you might infect others.

And they say the kids today are all selfish...

Avitable said...

I don't care about the Superbowl either, but that's mainly because I find football to be worthless.

Robin said...

I never care about sports.

Amanda said...

Poppy- Thanks! Medically induced wellness is just fine by me

Mr. Fab- I'm a very thoughtful person

Avitable- I don't like football either, but at least this game had an interesting end

Robin- I don't particularly, except baseball, but I do like parties with fattening food.

Crema said...

I too respect the fact that u didnt go out being that sick..I hate when I get sick from other people. Wingsbeer and pizza... thats the path to my heart , and no guitar hero doesn't count I kick ass at that game.