I Know She's A Super Lady

Robin has inspired me to tell you about my girl crushes. And I don't mean girl crush as admiration, I mean girls that I have crushes on.

Apparently, I have a type. I like my ladies to be petite.

1. Isla Fisher. The first time I saw Wedding Crashers I was blown away. She's so cute and crazy. I even watched Hot Rod and Wedding Daze because of her.

2. I know I've talked about this before, but Kristen Bell. Oh, Veronica. I'm so excited about Forgetting Sarah Marshall, because I also love Jason Segel.

3. Rachel Bilson. I know she's not the best actress in the world, but she's so pretty. And I love Summer Roberts.


The Ferryman said...

I only know who Isla Fisher is.

How about Betty White? Come on now, she's STILL got it!

Avitable said...

I agree with your top two, but I think Rachel Bilson looks like Chewbacca.

Robin said...

I'm not much of a fan of blondes but the other are hot.

Amanda said...

Mr. Fab- That's true, she is a hottie.

Avitable- Then I think Chewbacca is hot

Robin- I like all varities

Poppy said...

WOW, I've never seen a photo of Rachel Bilson that I liked... until now.

Unknown said...

Hot Rod made me want to put a gun in my mouth. That whole scene where the dude is dancing in the woods? Seriously...

Amanda said...

Poppy- She's so pretty!

Flohtingpoint- Yeah it sucked pretty bad.

Anonymous said...

I Chewbacca? Really Avitable? Only you would make that connection.

Great choices, maybe sometime this week I'll put up mine as well :P

whall said...

I've not heard of any of those so now I have to look them up and study them in detail. *Catharine* Bell I'd heard of but not Kristen Bell.

But it could be that I rarely remember celebrity names.