I'm A Realist

Take a picture of yourself right now. Don’t change your clothes, don’t fix your hair…just take a picture. Post that picture with NO editing. Post these instructions with your picture.

Things I would have fixed were not for this meme:
1. My arm fat roll
2. Cropped so you couldn't see the mess of my nightstand
3. Cropped so you couldn't see my mismatched pj's.


Avitable said...


Poppy said...

I'm not judging, just asking...

Why do you have so many glasses cases?

whall said...

mismatched PJ's are the best kinds. two kinds of comfort!

Amanda said...

Avitable- Lol thanks

Poppy- lol I used to work for an eyeglasses store so I'd get crazy discounts on sunglasses and free pairs of regular glasses... so that's four years worth of pile up.

Whall- They are super comfy

Robin said...

What fat?
What mess?
Cute outfit :P

Dr Zibbs said...

You call THAT messy. Please

Anonymous said...

Um, I sorta think you are sexy here....very sexy, indeed!

Amanda said...

Robin- lol thanks- Orange and red are notoriously good together

Dr Zibbs- I do, it's making me twitch just looking at it. I've already cleaned it up though

Hilly- Why thank you

Poppy said...

This should have occurred to me; it did not. Dur to the Poppy.

Trukindog said...

Umm first who cares about the room your a hottie.
second I'm in my under drawrs & NOBODY wants to see that.

Lisa said...

I think you look just fine. Your PJs are in the same color palate so they match in my book. I don't see any fat...so puleeeez.

Amanda said...

Poppy- I don't expect you to remember all the details of my life, don't worry

Trukindog- Thank you sir

Lisa- You're a kind woman. I guess they are next to each other on the color wheel

Anonymous said...

I wanna do this meme! I need to wait until I get batteries for my camera though, lol