Love Of Mine

Reason #4987 I love my boyfriend:

His bank has a points system (you spend money, get points, turn points into rewards) and he's been saving them for awhile. However, his bank is currently most likely getting bought out by some foreign company (one of the few big ones not being bailed out by the government) so he wanted to spend them in case the new owners got rid of the system.

His decision? A gift card for Morton's, a Starbucks gift card, and a gift card for Sephora.

He could have chosen Best Buy, or something for himself, but he chose two we both would enjoy and one just for me.

He can be really sweet sometimes.


Anonymous said...

I'm assuming the Starbucks is the one that's just for you?

Oh I kid, I kid. But that really is a sweet thing to do.

Anonymous said...

Awh that's so sweet!!!

Robin said...

Very very sweet.

whall said...

I wonder if banks will be trimming down the redemption value of those programs.... Good timing!