The Great Frontier

I was trying to think of a way to link together all the different things I want to talk about, but fuck it. Bullet points it is.

  • Last week an extremely drunk driver ran a stop sign, crashed through a tree, and hit four cars in my work parking lot. Mine included, of course. Thankfully my car was the least damaged out of all of them, and the only person injured was the driver. I've never seen anything like this wreck before. The amount of damage one drunk person can do is astounding.
  • I'm finally done with pulling the carpet from my living room. Carpet, rug pad, staples, adhesive, and tack strips are all up. Now, I just need to sand it. Sigh.
  • I go back to school tomorrow and I've never been this uninterested. I always loved school. This year, I've been dreading it all summer. I'm ready to be done. Only two semesters after this one to go.
  • I had a country filled weekend. Saturday we went to the Festival of the Little Hills and ate chicken kabobs, a bloomin onion, and kettle corn. I've never seen that many red necks crammed into one place. Sunday we drove into the country in Illinois to go to one of my boyfriend's favorite places, Fort Du Chartres. You can climb around on a rebuilt French fort, and run away from the hordes of wasps that inhabit it. After that we went to the ruins of another fort, and drove around the area for a while listening to Sufjan Stevens (of course). We know how to have a good time.
  • Go see District 9 if you haven't yet. Seriously, just do it.


Robin said...

That's messed up.

Avitable said...

I love kettle corn.

And District 9 was amazing.

Poppy said...

We saw District 9 this weekend. There were parts of it I enjoyed very much, such as the ending, but I think I need to see it again because when I see movies while PMSing I tend to not like them as much as I probably should.

Thank goodness: You were not in the car or parking lot; school is almost over.

Unknown said...

are you putting down wood floors or new carpet? Either way- have fun and good luck!