In An Aeroplane Over the Sea

Well, I'm alive. I survived 5 plane rides, 3 train rides, 1 ferry ride, Mike driving a rental car on the left side of the road, cab rides, multiple subway systems and various other public transportation rides. London was fantastic, Dublin was great, and Paris was... interesting. We saw phenomenal works of art, legendary architecture, and the Guinness storehouse.

I'd show you pictures but Mike has the camera. I think. I'll get them up at some point.

Right now I'm trying not to fall asleep. Our flight to St. Louis from Philly was canceled, so we had to fly to Chicago then to St. Louis, and arrived in about 7 hours later than anticipated. I still had to go to class this morning instead of sleeping in like I wanted. I think we must have terrible travel karma, because we've only been on 3 trips together where we've flown and out of those 3, we've had our return flights canceled twice. Of course, last time we were "stuck" in Vegas, so it was kind of a win.

I'll recap later when I find the camera, but for now, I'm alive and well. Mostly.


Robin said...

So exciting! I liked Dublin but not nearly as much as I loved the countryside.

Avitable said...

I'm ashamed to admit that I had no idea you were traveling overseas - I'm glad you had fun!

Amanda said...

Robin- We were going to rent a car to go to the countryside, but we had some, um, technical difficulties

Avitable- I expect you to know every detail of my life. No, I think I only really talked about it on twitter and I know you're not a twitter person

Sarcastica said...

*waiting for a recap*.


Sounds like you had a blast! Tell me, was it hard and super weird driving on the left side of the road?