While We're On The Subject, Could We Change The Subject Now?

I'm awesome at avoidance. Or, more precisely, "out of sight, out of mind" is an accurate cliche on my part.

Why do I do it? I wish I knew.

I need to stop, though. It's getting out of hand. I never deal with things. I ignore as much as I can, then quickly forget about it. Or I reason it away, telling myself it's not that big of a deal.

But sometimes? It is a big deal. Sometimes it hurts. At some point, I need to be able to stand up for myself. Let my opinion be known. Deal with issues head on.

Instead, I give myself time to calm down. If I have an disagreement with someone, I try to get out of it as soon as possible, then I sleep on it. The next day, the anger's gone. Which can be a good thing, I understand. I don't hold grudges, I don't often get irrationally angry.

I'm continually surprised and hurt when people don't take their second chances seriously. My guess is that they know I'll give them a third, fourth, and fifth chance. What's the line between not holding grudges and making the same mistakes? I don't know. I'm pretty sure I just let people walk all over me, though, because I'd rather ignore and forget than be confrontational.

How much of yourself do you lose when you let yourself be perpetually ignored?


Avitable said...

At some point, it changes from giving people changes to letting people walk all over you, and you don't want that.

Josh said...

Oh, well...you know me....

I reached the point where you can only get hurt, stepped on, so many times. There comes a point where enough is enough and you have to start looking after yourself.

I think it's because I'm old.

Anonymous said...

You sound a lot like me... It's hard to say 'no' or to confront people. You'd think they would've figured it out by now, but they haven't! Sometimes the only solution is to be very blunt. You just have to, for your own sake.

Robin said...

It's hard but try to think of yourself first, you can always help others but you must help yourself first.

Hannah said...

I'm the same way-I hate confrontation and I used to just ignore jerky comments and run away. But now I'm too old and bitter to let people continuously get away with shit, so I tell them what I think right away.

Poppy said...

You lose all of you. Don't let yourself be lost... it's a lot of work to find yourself again.

Sarcastica said...

Wow, everyone else really hit home with the comments. I agree with all of them. I am the opposite, I ALWAYS let it be known when I'm pissed off or upset about something, and sometimes THAT gets me into trouble in situations where I should just drop it. I'm beginning to wonder if there even is a happy medium...