Dream Until Your Dream Comes True

Absinthe is now legal in the United States. Apparently it has been for awhile, but I'm slow, okay? It’s being bottled under the name Lucid I think states are regulating whether or not its legal, and right now I believe you can purchase it in New York and Illinois. That could be why I haven't heard about this.

I’ve always been curious, especially since Eurotrip, but I’ve never had the opportunity. From what I understand, it tastes like ass, but I think it’d be worth it. I’ve always shied away from things I need paraphernalia for. Vodka you can drink straight out of the bottle.

You can read more here


Dave2 said...

You weren't missing much. :-)

I'm not sure, but I think the American stuff is missing the ingredients which were hallucinogenic? Not that I had any hallucinations with the "real" stuff, I'm just saying...

OMG! I just totally spelled hallucinogenic correctly!

Robin said...

The concept of it scares me a little too much, I don't like to hallucinate.

Amanda said...

Dave: You are a genius. The american stuff is Absynth. Not Absinthe. This is supposed to be different, but I could be wrong

Robin: I don't think I've ever hallucinated. The strongest thing I've ever done is pot

The Ferryman said...

Well, if anyone knows what ass tastes like it's you. What with all the rimjobs and all...