This One's Optimistic

In a weird, daring experiment Radiohead (one of my favorite bands EVER) is offering their eighth and newest CD, out Oct. 10th, digitally only. The odd part is, they're letting the consumer pick the price. You can pay anywhere from $1 on up for the CD. They're releasing it independently of a label, distributor, or wholesaler.

What do you think? Are they going to lose a ton of money from people paying only a dollar? Itunes normally sells albums for $10 and most stores for even more.

Or will they make more money, from cutting out the middleman. Will people who normally download pirated copies pay a discounted rate for this CD?

Either way, I'm psyched about the album.


Avitable said...

Stephen King did something similar like that with one of his books, The Plant. I think it worked out pretty well.

Robin said...

They have a lot of loyal fans, I'm optimistic. I have a friend who is a fan, I wonder what she'll pay.

Foo Fighters just came out with an album I need to get. If I could pay anything I wonder what I would pay...

ADW said...

Plus I think they are also releasing some kind of box set as well which is priced fairly high...

Amanda said...

Avitable: I hope it turns out well for them

Robin: The Foo Fighters CD is awesome, you definitely need to get it

ADW: I think its 40 dollars or something, not awful.

Avitable said...

I just went and paid $10 for it.

Amanda said...

Avitable: yeah that's what I did. I think they deserve the 10 for being awesome. And for being trustworthy.