Wasting My Time

I spent all afternoon making a birthday cake for my coworker. I received a call from my manager tonight saying my coworker had decided to take her birthday off, so not to worry about making the cake for tomorrow.

Um, thanks.

I guess they'll eat stale cake on Thursday, the next time my coworker works. I'm sure as hell not making another one, especially since I won't eat the first one to begin with. Bitches.


The Ferryman said...

So now we are being asked to believe that you know how to bake a cake?

Poppy said...

I made that EXACT cake for Thanksgiving last year!!! Everyone LOVED it.

Avitable said...

You baked a cake? Will you bake me one? Birthday cake is my favorite food.

Amanda said...

Mr. Fab- I am an excellent baker

Poppy- Good, I'm glad everyone loved it. Hopefully its still good on thursday....

Avitable- Sure, what kind do you want? And also, how do I mail a cake?

Avitable said...

I don't know - in a cooler or something?

Amanda said...

avitable: okay, I'll get right on it