The Magic That Was You And Me

In the fall of 2002, a new manager was transferred to my store. In all honesty, we thought he was gay at first. Then we met his fiance, so we changed our minds. Months went by and this person became my favorite manager. He was funny and smart, and always gave me a break when I didn't want to do something. We became good friends as time went on, and eventually. starting developing feelings for each other.

However, he was engaged, and I had a boyfriend of two years (which is a long time in high school). First my boyfriend and I broke up, and I realized just how much I liked my manager. Then my manager broke up with his fiance, and it was inevitable.

When he asked me out, it was quite romantic. I believe it went something like this:

HIM: I'm not doing anything tomorrow if you want to see the Matrix Reloaded.
ME: Um, sure.

See? Romantic.

So he picked me up one afternoon during the last week of my senior year of high school, and we saw the Matrix. After the movie, we were in my driveway, and I said:

ME: I have to go, American Idol is on.
HIM: Um, okay.

In my defense, it was the finale (Ruben and Clay, specifically).

Thankfully we went out again the next day to see a movie with mutual friends of ours, and I actually invited him in to see the second half of Idol. That's the only time he's ever seen it, he refuses to watch it with me.

And we've been together ever since. Five years is a really freaking long time.

Happy Anniversary, baby.


Robin said...

Happy anniversary, cute story.

Avitable said...

Congratulations! Happy anniversary!

shiny said...

Happy anniversary! I'm glad that he and I share the same level of love for American Idol...

Poppy said...

Happy anniversary!

You think 5 years is a long time... just wait.

The Ferryman said...

Yay! Very cool!

Happy Anniversary!

Amanda said...

Robin- It was also romantic

Avitable- Thank you!

Shiny- Yes, but he never made an awesome audition tape

Poppy- I know, it only gets longer

Mr. Fab- Thank You!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a heartwarming thing to read. Congrats.