What Is Love?
I need you to help me out today.
I've made no secret or apology of the fact that I'm Liberal. However, I can usually understand both sides of any argument. While I'm in favor of stronger gun control, I understand wanting to uphold the second amendment. I wish for a prompt withdrawal plan, but I understand why "staying the course" is the option for some people.
There's one thing I can't wrap my head around, though. Why on earth would anyone want to begrudge two people who are in love the right to get married? I truly don't get it, so please help explain it to me. And please don't give me the whole "Gays are going to hell!" bullshit, because the bible also says not to wear blended fabrics, and I'm guessing your shirt is a cotton blend. Unless it's polyester, then I'd like to compliment you on your style.
Love is love, and I don't see how gender could in anyway make love less justified or real.
Granted, I'm not someone who necessarily believes in marriage, so maybe that's why I don't get it? I don't think I need a piece of paper to validate my relationship. If you want to get married, then that's awesome. Good for you. Truly. But why shouldn't this right be upheld to all people?
Friday, May 16, 2008
This entry was posted on Friday, May 16, 2008
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Many people have the mistaken notion that the definition of marriage must mean a union between a man and a woman. It's ridiculous.
It's pretty simple, actually. God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.
I hope this clears up your confusion... :)
I believe everyone should have the same rights. I think you may have inspired me to do a post...
I totally agree. If two guys (or girls) want to get married, it doesn't affect any ones lives but their own. As long as they don't have sex on my breakfast table while I'm trying to eat, it doesn't make one bit of difference to me.
Avitable- I really don't get it
Shiny- That's what it says on the bumper sticker on my truck, anyway
Mr. Fab- Well, I can be really inspirational
Zom- I get offended when anyone tries to have sex on my breakfast table
Amen! My partner of 14 years and I are tying the knot in a quickie, hurry before they protest, currently legal wedding ceremony here in California. It may only be valid for a few months but at least we are finally making honest women out of each other.
PS: I will ONLY have sex on a breakfast table if you are serving pancakes.
swizzle stick- What would I get if I served waffles? And, congrats, that's awesome.
I really don't know the answer to your question. It baffles me. Where I live all our paperwork allows for us to have partners of civil union included in our benefits, so... lucky here?
I just don't see why people should be allowed to have guns but they want to make abortion illegal. Wtf. I'm all for gay marriage, everyone and anyone has the right to be in love.
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