All I Want For Christmas Is You

I just found the coolest Christmas cards ever. So if any of you want to be on my list, just send me an e-mail at Amanda234 [@] gmail dot com. If you keep your address on your sidebar, you're getting one either way.

Also, this is scary, but I'm getting to the point where I don't care about things that will give me cancer anymore. I'm not going to start smoking or anything, but Goddamn, what doesn't give you cancer? It's too hard to avoid it.


Tug said...

I love Christmas cards...e-mailing you now. ;-)

Thanks for stopping by today, I'll be back...(NOT said in the Ahnold voice)

Poppy said...

Can I have cookies, too?

(Just kidding.)

I emailed you. :)

Avitable said...

I expect a Christmas card, too!

And did you know that oral sex cures cancer? It's true!

Amanda said...

Tug: Thank you for stopping by as well. Welcome.

Poppy: I sent him about four edible cookies and a bag of burnt shards.. so sure, I can send you burnt cookies.

Avitable: Please don't tell my boyfriend that

Robin said...

I've heard blogging can give you cancer.

Unknown said...

LOL @ Night shift cancer...

Good find, and I work a ton of night shift in the IT world, plus I smoke. Dead man walking right here...

Amanda said...

Robin: We're all screwed then

Flohtingpoint: Uh oh, especially if what Robin says is true

Unknown said...

Flohtingpoint: Uh oh, especially if what Robin says is true

Dang... three strikes and I'm out huh? Can I have your Wii when I die? Wait, it doesn't work that way does it...

The Ferryman said...

Did I send you my address? I can't remember...

Amanda said...

Mr Fab- You didn't send it to me, but you have it under contact or whatever so I stole it off of there. Unless you want me to send it to another place.