Love Is Not A Competition

The weekend started off crappy. My boyfriend had a paper due at midnight on Friday, so he was working on that while I read a book and listened to my ipod (because heaven forbid anyone makes any noise while he is working)

Then on Saturday I made a grave error. At work, a coworker brought in a toy catalog, and I saw that they had released Guitar Hero III for Wii. Yes, I realize this was a little bit ago, but I don't really keep up on the gaming front. Excitedly, and naively, I called my boyfriend to tell him. Instantly after I got off work we went to Target and purchased it. We didn't have time to play on Saturday, because we had plans. I spent a lovely evening starting at the wall while my boyfriend talked to his coworkers. I got pretty drunk though, so that was sweet.

So Sunday, guess what I did all night? If you're thinking played Guitar Hero, you're wrong. I watched my boyfriend and his brother play Guitar Hero. Exciting, no? They let me play three songs total. I suck horribly. The other four hours the two of them played Co-op mode. Awesome. How long do you think before he gets tired of this?


Avitable said...

I think you just learned a valuable lesson.

Amanda said...

Avitable: I really really did

Poppy said...

Everyone I know who plays GH (whichever version) does not get tired of it. Sorry. :-/ Perhaps you could learn to enjoy watching?

Amanda said...

Poppy: That's what I was afraid of... I don't mind watching, I'd just like to play every once in awhile

Poppy said...

So, reason suggests: "I play winner!" and if you are unheard then you throw the breaker so that the power goes out and then everyone's unhappy. :D

Amanda said...

Poppy: I may try that breaker thing, because they have a "band" and they do not let us play in their band.

Poppy said...

What is this word "let" that you speak of? Did you not do the suggesting for GH3? Ungratefulness is occurring!

Rich | Championable said...

Or, you can get "Rock Band" when it comes out. That requires, like, Guitar, Drums, Bass, and a singer.

It looks insane.

Anonymous said...

I bought Guitar Hero 2 for my ex; well sorta. He doesn't have PS2 so he had to come and see me to play it.
So whenever he came over, all he wanted to do was play it.
Burn it now.
This is why Guitar Hero and I don't have a good relationship.

Amanda said...

sarcastica: thankfully he's not too obsessed with games for long. He's fickle.

Poppy said...

Oh, Amanda, I suddenly feel like such a hypocrite. My girl-that-is-a-friend just got a Wii and GH3 for her birthday and I was invited over to play and now I'm totally gonna just be over there all the time playing now. At least it's the womens playing?

Amanda said...

poppy- hehe it'll suck you in. tonight I made my boyfriend watch me beat two levels, then we played together in co-op mode. I wouldn't sit there and let him play while I watchec, if this helps at all.