Everybody Get Random

Today, bear with me. I'm feeling random. And I've been reading too many celebrity gossip blogs.

First of all, I'm watching Natalie Portman on Regis and Kelly, and man is she pretty. It's nice to see a "child star" not all fucked up.

Speaking of child stars, Dina Lohan is a moron. After all the crap your daughter has had to go through, why the hell are you putting your other daughter in the middle of it?

Britney ran over another paparazzi's foot. Of course she did! Have you ever seen a shot of her trying to drive? There's a hundred people surrounding her. I would go crazy and bowl them all over. If you didn't stand two inches from her car she wouldn't hit you.

Speaking of duh moments, why is everyone surprised that Pete Doherty is still on drugs? Of course he is. He probably will always be. This is not news.

Lily Allen needs to shut up. Who the hell is she to criticize Radiohead? Clearly, Radiohead is far superior and they can do whatever the fuck they want. You have no say here. And stop talking about eggs.

Are you still reading this? Awesome. So now for a birthday recap. The actual day of my birthday I played Guitar Hero for four hours with my brother. On the way to the restaurant my boyfriend and I got REALLY lost and I got REALLY mad. But its all good, we found it. And I drank wine.

Yesterday, we had a family birthday dinner with both of my parents. We haven't all been out to dinner together since they got divorced, so it was interesting. But not bad. I drank wine. We were also celebrating my brother graduating from college. He gets a month off then starts his masters program. Good times.

My favorite present has been I Am America (And So Can You) by Stephen Colbert. Its really funny. If you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend it. I'm generally more of a Stewart girl, but I'm enjoying it.


Robin said...

Did I miss your birthday?

ps. I read Perez Hilton too but I hate to admit it.

Amanda said...

Robin: yep it was on tuesday. I actually don't read perez but its about the only one I don't read.

Anonymous said...

Four hours of guitar hero...you must be ready to head out on tour. When you hit Canada, let us know.

Avitable said...

Sounds like a fun birthday!

I can't blame Britney for running over the paparazzi. They are all pressed up against the car, and I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often with celebrities.

Amanda said...

Troy: Sadly, I still suck no matter how many hours I play

Avitable: I know I would hit a lot more of them if I were her

The Ferryman said...

I am sensing that wine is a theme...

Anonymous said...

I like Lily Allen; she's got some really awesome break up songs =]

And Toys R Us sucks R us. Or something like that?

Guitar Hero and I don't get along...

Amanda said...

Mr. Fab- Wine is always a theme

Sarcastica- I'm slowly learning to get along with guitar hero