I'm Going Slightly Mad

My boyfriend made plans to work on a project for school on my birthday, then sounded annoyed when I asked him to switch days. It wasn't a hard thing to switch, it only involved coordinating schedules with one person.

Now, he didn't intentionally make plans on my birthday, he just forgot that Tuesday is my birthday. I don't know which scenario would be worse... I guess its better that he's a forgetful douche than intentionally an asshole, right?


Poppy said...

I shall hold my tongue.

Amanda said...

poppy: Its okay, I know he's an ass

robin: I hope so, but damn we've only been dating for 4 years. Isn't that too early to start forgetting birthdays?

Robin said...

The longer you are in a relationship the more responsibility you have for remembering these things. My fiance is lucky as our anniversary is in the same week as my birthday and his daughter's birthday.

Amanda said...

Robin: Well, something to look forward to then

Anonymous said...

Apparently all men are forgetful douches.

Screw em and be threw with em.
That's my new motto?

Amanda said...

Sarcastica- They generally are all douches in many ways