It's A Beginning of a Good Time

Today, for the first time, I will resort to bullet points. Sigh.

  • My boyfriend is in a lunch meeting right now which will 99% likely give him a job offer with a 30% raise. I'm just waiting for him to call me with the good news.
  • I was supposed to work today, but my hours got cut because we are doing crappy.
  • Even though I now have the day off, all I've done is catch up on Tivo, instead of working on my final Design project or the 4 book tests I'm behind on in my History of Cultural Environments class.
  • I hope I didn't oversell the Christmas card yesterday. Not everyone likes the subject of the card, but I love it (and so should you).
  • My boyfriend just called and spent as much time talking about the bacon on his sandwich as he did about his job offer (which he did receive).
  • Don't forget to root for my boys this weekend against Oklahoma. I did go there for a year before I dropped out. Heh.
  • Have a great weekend!


Unknown said...

Don't forget to root for my boys this weekend against Oklahoma. I did go there for a year before I dropped out. Heh.

Since Arizona State is out of the running for the national title, why not. But may I nominate a hearty rooting for UCLA to beat USC this weekend also. My Sun Devils haven't been to the Rose Bowl since I was in high school =/

Poppy said...

Yaaaaaaaaaaaay to job offer!!!!! Woot!

When I have days off they're never ever never never as productive as I'd hoped. Even when I have 12 consecutive days off.

whall said...

Don't you hate it AND love it when you're lazy? Many times what I will do is KNOW I need to do stuff but just sit there and watch TV or catch up on recorded items.

I can't relate on the sports as I don't watch hardly any kinds - just the biggies each year like the super boal, stanley cup, maybe a final four or two.

Avitable said...

Congrats on the job offer! Now he can buy you more stuff.

Amanda said...

flohtingpoint: Yay tigers

Poppycede: There's just so much interesting stuff I have recorded and not so much interesting stuff in my textbook

WHall: If it weren't where I had gone to school, I wouldn't care at all

Avitable: No joke, that's exactly what I said to him

The Ferryman said...

You should have mentioned the bacon FIRST!

Amanda said...

Mr. Fab- Apparently it was hickory smoked

Anonymous said...

Job offers are sweet.

I wish my boyfriend would meet me for lunch...too bad construction workers can't ever leave.