This Is Annoying

I don't know if you all saw, but Toys R Us has buy 2 Wii games get the 3rd free. It's an awesome deal, but I ordered a game that they're saying is delayed. Which is cool and all, but I ordered it as a Christmas present. I want to switch out for something else that I can receive before February, but it says it's too late to cancel. I placed the order about two hours ago. So tomorrow I get to call and try to argue. Good times.


The Ferryman said...

If you get static, I will call for you. I solve problems.

Avitable said...

Which games?

Amanda said...

Mr Fab- Aw thanks. That's good, I'm a pushover.

Avitable- I ordered Metroid Prime 3 and Super Mario Galaxy for my brother and Super Smash Brothers Brawl for my boyfriend, that's the one that is delayed until February.

Avitable said...

Super Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Bros are two that I want, too. They both look very fun.

Amanda said...

avitable: we played a lot of super smash brothers melee on gamecube, so it should be good. Well, now's a good time to buy at Toys R Us

Avitable said...

Yeah, definitely!

Amanda said...

Robin: God, me too. I had to hold for more than twenty minutes, but they finally canceled the whole order, so I'll just try again.

Unknown said...

Bleh, maybe I'll actually break down and buy a Wii now. I've been teetering for months and this might be the last straw. Its pretty bad when you know more drinking games using a Wii you dont own than you do with a deck of playing cards that you do own.

Amanda said...

Flohtingpoint: It's so worth it

Unknown said...

bleh, I can never find a Wii anywhere =( You'd think these were popular or something. Ah well, the search continues.

Amanda said...

flohting point: go to and they send you a text when an online retailer has them available. I wish I would have known this when I was looking for mine.

Rich | Championable said...

Super Smash has been delayed by months and months. Boo.

My wii has been temporarily displaced by my XBOX, because of Call of Duty 4. Holy Crap.

Amanda said...

Rich: Thankfully my boyfriend doesn't have an xbox