It's A Mad Life That We Know

Well, crap.


Avitable said...

Ooh - I'm thinking of getting that, too, so I can play my new Resident Evil game.

The Ferryman said...

Okay, I feel old. I have no idea what is going on here...

Amanda said...

Avitable: I will never see my boyfriend again

Mr. Fab: It's an attachment for the Wii

Rich | Championable said...

I've got a pretty hardline separation between Wii and XBOX 360 games. Violence = XBOX.

My current addiction is Call of Duty 4 on the 360. My kids are totally digging Super Mario Galaxy on the Wii.

Robin said...

You kids and your video players.

whall said...

never seen that, but now that I have, I must have it.